Animal Repeller

Hayatec Ultrasonic Animal Warning Whistle Device.

This is one of the items I have had on my list for a while to buy, specially with the country side rides I do and a few of the New Forest rides as a group we set up over on @Pompey Motorbike Meets. It’s a real simple and cheap device that produces a Ultrasonic noise and a whistle which scare animals away which helps to stop animals like deers from running into you and traffic on the roads. 

The amount of rides over the years through the amazing country sides and you see so much road kill of animals it makes you think just how bad it would be if you hit a large animal like a deer on a ride and how bad it can be for the both of you. I have seen a few videos of such carnage from a hit buy a motorcycle and it something I dread, and it with seeing some videos online it made me question the safety side of it and that is were this device comes into play and the hope that it does what it says it will.

Now I can’t say much for how effective this is for me personally but reading others feedback and watching some online videos of it being tested it does seem to have a positive effect to making animal think twice for head in our direction with just this running. They say you need to be travelling at least 30mph for the sound to penetrate enough to work effectively, which is good for local rides. When you travel over this speed the Ultrasonic sound is produced and while in test it works it is not something I can hear working, so kind of blind faith when it installed myself as I am hoping it does what it says on the tin so to speak, and while I owned this nothing I can say prove it does not work.

Price wise it is a cheap device, so it seems worth going for specially if you do travel a lot in the country side, and it small enough to be hidden easily thou I did want mine to be installed very clear in view to make sure enough wind can access it to make sure it will do its thing. Fingers crossed that this simple and cheap item does what it say for me and I don’t have to update this review with anything bad down the line at a later date. 

This can be purchased from Amazon –

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