Bye Bye Baby

The time has come to say good bye to my beloved VStrom 🙁 and I have now put her up for sale.

This means for now that I will not be performing any new reviews for a short time while I await the sale of Toothless and then until I am able to purchase my newer bike. It will be a shame to see her go but she has done me so well with never having any issues and being such a reliable bike. I hope my new one will be just as good.

The only reason I am selling her is that I really do clock up miles on her, with all the ride out for the group I do and with it being also my main transport for everything I do not wish to lose so much money on resell. Now she hitting around 55k she has lost alot of what her price is, and even with all the reviewed post items I have brought (£1500) that won’t help increase her value, thou hopefully help her sell quicker thou, so with all these miles I am doing I am thinking time to upgrade to a litre bike (1000cc).

So it is with a heavy heart I have listed her on Auto Trader and Gumtree and say good bye to my baby.

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